Life In Windsor


Holla Ladies and Gentlemen!

It’s been awhile since I wrote a nice lengthy blog. I just recently moved to Windsor Ontario and have been here about 3 weeks now. I am currently studying Communications Media and Film & Drama (double major~ will see how that goes and if it just turns into studying just CMF). Will keep you updated as always I promise just never on time 😛

I’ve met 4 awesome comics so far! Two from Just for laughs! Sigh Comedy! Gotta love it!

Today I started filming my 6th video for youtube!!! Crazy stuff! I was always too afraid to do my own youtube channel and here I am, still alive and kicking baby! Especially after being hit by a car on Dec.6th. Sadly I am still recovering from the accident and have back pains. Thank God for Chiropractors! What would I do without you amazing people to adjust my back 🙂

I will admit that since the accident I have now higher anxiety then before and I have become scared and fearful of many many things, i.e. walking across a street freaks me out. Cars increase my heart rate. Unfortunately I have made this accident my identity. I have defined myself as the girl who got hit by a car when she was walking~ pity me kind of deal. Sad hey? I do know this, I have become more self-aware this past year and notice when things scare me and realizing more the reasons of it. I just need to learn how to be unafraid. I had taken a year off dating which has helped me become more self-aware. I learned how I treated people and guys too. I am also still learning.

What I want for my present: I want to live in the present. Not in the past. I use to be the one who was always first in the cold water and now I am always the last. I want to be the first in the water right now.

Shoutouts to the ones I met this past weekend/week including today: To the groom at the Loop (Congrats on your future wedding! Remember you are blessed to have found the love of your life~ not many do), To the crazy girl I met at dancing (You are just too awesome of a person! So cool your bestfriend is half french and Portuguese like my Bestie~ whom I miss tons back in NL), To those awesome girls I met today at the clubs booth at UofWindsor! Can’t wait to connect with you again someday!

Don’t let life bring you down, let it lift you up!
Learning, living and trying my best in loving life!


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My newest favorite reads: Seth Godin and Derek Sivers


Currently I am reading the popular book by Seth Godin, “Purple Cow.” About 1/3 into it, it of course is fantastic. There are just some books I have read in my life that I feel everyone should read. I’ve read a few of Godin’s books such as, “The Tribe,” and “The Dip.” I finished reading the Dip about a week or so ago and it is a book I have to keep! I’m excited to read it again as crazy as it sounds. It was just that good for a short read! Simple and to the point. I had been kind of in a rut again lately but reading the Dip encouraged me to keep on. It was about when to quit and when to keep going. It held great advice! I recommend it to anyone!

“Anything you want,” By Derek Sivers was terrific! I found it quite encouraging as well as you read through his story of how his business grew and such. The difficulties he ran into and how he kept going. He is one of my brother’s favorite authors and now I share the same, I really enjoyed reading it very much. I told my housemate she needs to read it as well! Right after I finished his book, I decided to send him an e-mail and was surprised to get a response back the next day! It was pretty cool! When I told my brother, he got really excited since it is an author he really admires. 🙂 The way Derek wrote in the e-mail reminded me of how a Newfoundlander would talk so when I looked on his website, he was from New Zealand which was pretty cool! His ultimate goal was to help independent musicians and I liked how he likes to live simply and wasn’t in it for the money. Just be passionate about your dreams and goals. Life will fall into place. It was such a good read! Made me think of why I am passionate about film and what I want to do to help others and such. There’s no point in being stressed but do what you love.

Lately I had been becoming depressed about my life and where I am going etc. I started getting jealous of others’ success… this lasted about 3-5 minutes when I realized I was getting jealous. I like being aware of it so I can shake it off quickly as it came. There is no point in being jealous. Don’t let it engulf you because it will if you let if stay for long, then it’s harder to get rid of. 

So, what I usually like to do when I start feeling this way is to read books that help me get out of this funk. It took a couple of good books such as these ones, as well as Joyce Meyer’s newest book called, “Begin Again.” 

This past year has been the year that I am finally pursuing my dreams since 7th grade. I always thought I “had” to do other things and that this dream was just a dream. Through my OCD and ADD, I am now doing what I love even if it took me years to forget about what other people think of me or thought I should do. It’s been a tough year and things have continued to fall out of place trying its hardest to make me quit but I know Film and theatre are definitely for me. In all my years in School, this past year with the Performance and Communications media Program at MUN I have received all A’s and a high GPA that I am really proud of. Sometimes I thought I just sucked at school but when you find that thing that is yours, pursue it with everything you got! 

Percie S.

Letters to a bartender, Ukranian Lady and a Sales clerk


Dear Bartender I met at my friend’s wedding in Florida,

You were so encouraging when I talked to you at the wedding in the Floridian at Disney. Your words meant more than you realize. I love my passions for film and I will write a book one day! I hope all your wishes come true as well. Thanks for pouring me that glass of wine and your kind words 🙂

Dear Ukranian Lady from California,

You were so sweet to talk with and I wish you the best in the future! It was so nice meeting you and chatting about our backgrounds. I love meeting people who marry into different cultures! If you ever visit Newfoundland~ message me and if I’m here, I will show you around St. John’s. It is truly beautiful here and I love calling it my home!

Dear Sales Clerk,

You are super nice and friendly, don’t ever change! I hope you get to learn Mandarin and visit in China one day as you wish! I hope to go there one day soon too! It was really neat how you guessed my background so easily, I’ve never had someone guess straight away like that! Wish you all the best in the future!



I was here video


Check this out :

The other night before class, I went to a leadership thing at MUN with Momentum. I love anything related to leadership, kindness, volunteering and changing the world type of aspects. The showed us this video which was pretty neat, it reminded me of Katimavik. Although after completing Katimavik back in 2008, anything reminds me of Katimavik or even just having something that gives me the excuse to talk about Katimavik is something I would do. Check out more about it on:

So back to this leadership thing: St. John’s really is a small world sometimes, I keep meeting people that knows at least one person that I know for example my Mom too! although I shouldn’t have been shocked as I even had a friend volunteer at the Association for new Canadians.

The leadership thing was really neat and I think everyone should be more involved in their community. One of the speakers last night talked about kindness and some acts that some strangers impressed upon her so I want to share a recent one too.

A week or so ago, I was driving with two friends/ guys who were helping out with my short film (story for another time) and we went to pick up some coffee at Tim Hortons. We went through the drivethru and when I went to pay, the server happily said that it was taken care of which was super sweet!!!! Apparently there’s a trend to pay for the person behind you at Tim Hortons in the states and it’s starting to grow here in Canada which is grand! Although maybe I am just late in the times, cause I have seen this happen a few times too for instance a family member of mine would offer to pay for someone’s Booster Juice smoothie. Some sweet wha?

I love kindness stories! Please share with me some more~


25 things to do before you hit 25!


So… my 25th birthday is quickly approaching. And what does one do when one is turning 25? One looks up on google “Things to do before you’re 25!” Here are some links before and one of my favorites was the top one

1. “Travelswithadam,” Check it out at 




Cosmo had the regular old stuff and well I was looking for more than just, “sleep with a bad boy at least once.” Not exactly my type of thing as one is merging to mid-twenties. I think a classier type wouldn’t want a one night fling but start investing in a long term relationship. It’s more about the future now. I’ve dated what I call randoms and I’m not interested in randoms any more. And below is my personalized list I will share with you.

1. Travel at least once a year.

2. Invest in the future

3. Go on a blind date. (Would make an interesting story even if it doesn’t past the first date)

4. Write a book

5. Go to a coffee shop alone and write in a good old fashion journal

6. Go on a spur-of-the moment weekend trip. (I did twice with my Best friend to Halifax and to St.Pierre)

7. Learn a different type of dance (Salsa, Tango, Swing-dancing)

8. Road trip with friends

9. Have business cards (Done 😉 #travelswithadam )

10. Invest time in writing my blog ( I usually get unmotivated now and then and stop. But I always start again!)

11. Write a script (Completed my first screenplay in Dec 2013)

12. Be in a movie (I was in “Beat Down” background)

13. Be in a T.V. show (Republic of Doyle background)

14. Be in a music video

15. Learn a second language.

16. Try to do stand up comedy at Yukyuks

17. Get an arrow earring piercing in top left ear.

18. Find a job that you love and do it!

19. Learn to drive ( I think some people do not realize how important driving is sometimes. I got my licence at age 21!) 

20. Build good relationships with family and friends.

21. Find a non-for profit organization to be passionate about (#Katimavik is my passion!)

22. Sew your own outfit (I sewed a dress back when I was 18 years old )

23. Go ziplining (It’s an amazing experience)

24. Do that thing that has always been in the back of your mind! You know what is it.

25. Have a birthday party with close friends!

Percie S.

January – Just do (Rationally)


The Happiness Project inspired by

This is My happiness project! I must admit, that I loved this book! Although my other confession was that it made me depressed for most of it as I’m a single mid-twenties girl about to hit the quarter-life century crisis in less than 3 months! 3rd confession: I’ve been in a quarter-life crisis since the day I turned 20!

Still young and in love with life. I decided to start my own happiness project. The book made me depressed because of the things I didn’t have but then the idea of this novel was to be happy with the life that I have. Which is exactly why I need to do this project for my own well being! To be happier with MY life and not compare ever-so constantly with everyone else in this world! Since I have ADD and OCD which are anxiety disorders (self-diagnosed) and mini almost panic attacks when I get high anxiety in different situations, this project will help me with my everyday life.

This month has been a tough month especially since I was hit by a car almost 2 months ago. I have been going to 4 appointments a week, now down to 3 consisting of Massage therapy, Chiropractor and physio therapy. All of which are an experience on its own!

My back was in a lot of pain today and I had a mini break down and cried a little. I just want to dance and be my usual happy go-lucky self even with those days that I get a little sad, mad etc.

Lately it has been super difficult for me to stay positive with each appointment holding me back even more than the last. Currently I am not suppose to carry anything more than 10 pounds, no bookbag which makes it difficult for me to bring certain school work/ books. I’m not allowed to lift weights or do strenuous activity. I keep have reoccurring dreams that I’m running freely or playing some hardcore badminton which I love. Sadly I wake up from these happy dreams then realize what I am not capable of at the moment.

Staying strong and tough emotionally is difficult but nevertheless life is still good. I love writing and this in a way is quite therapeutic for me. I painted my nails with a cute valentines day design to help brighten my mood and now I can look at the pretty colors.

Just to add a funny: I put extra books in my book bag prior to this to survive the Newfoundland winds that want to pick me up and carry me off. Gaining weight for me is difficult but I still love the way I am. Sometimes there are some things you cannot change and should just accept the way it is.

Percie S.

My Happiness Project


My 2014 Resolutions:

January- Just Do (Rationally which is sometime I need to keep in mind)

February- Give 14 Different encouragements

March- Lighten Up

April- Pursue a passion (film, acting, directing)

May- Keep a contented heart

June- Make time for friends and family

July-Aim higher

August- Be serious about play.

Inspired by

Percie S.